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Intelligence Report

Paul Kindinger

Recent Posts

Jun 10, 2024

H5N1 May Impact Animal Movement to Local Fairs

The spread of the H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus to lactating dairy cows might impact the ability to show cattle this summer at fairs.

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Jun 10, 2024

Grills are Heating up Nationwide, and so is Demand for Beef

Memorial Day is the unofficial kick-off to summer – and grilling season, stimulating demand for all types of animal proteins, including beef.

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Jun 10, 2024

Brazilian Cow Fetches World-Record Price

In the bustling world of agriculture and livestock auctions, every so often a jaw-dropping moment grabs the spotlight, drawing in farmers, investors, and curious onlookers alike.

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Jun 6, 2024

APHA is First Affiliate AgPack® Partner

        The Certified Agriculture Group (TCAG) is proud to announce the American Paint Horse Association (APHA) as the first Affiliate member group for AgPack and the Certified Agriculture Dealer program. As part of this strategic marketing relationship, each member of APHA will automatically receive...

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Jun 3, 2024

A Better U.S.-Mexico Trade Relationship Is Coming

Is the ongoing trade spat between the U.S. and Mexico regarding genetically modified (GM) corn about to end?

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Jun 3, 2024

Higher Commodity Prices Soften Farm Income Decline

Recently, the Chicago Fed reported that prospects for 2024 farm income increased slightly, though income is still expected to fall below its 2023 level.

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Jun 3, 2024

H5N1 Virus Particles Found in Meat from Dairy Cow

Meat from a dairy cow sent to slaughter contained particles of the H5N1 avian influenza virus — the first such finding since the virus jumped to cattle from birds a few months ago, according to USDA personnel. They also confirmed infections in five additional herds — three in South Dakota and two...

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Jun 3, 2024

Diesel Price Outlook for Fall 2024

A fuel economist says diesel prices have been dropping and farmers should consider locking in their fall supplies.

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Jun 3, 2024

Farm Rescue Volunteers Haul Hay to Texas After Wildfires

Farm Rescue volunteers recently took part in a massive hay operation, hauling hay to ranchers who lost hay supplies and fields when the largest wildfire in Texas history blazed through the Texas panhandle in March.

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Jun 3, 2024

How Long Do Eggs Really Last?

That carton of eggs has been sitting in the fridge for a while. You check the expiration date, and you’re a few days past. Are they still OK to eat? It’s the stuff of common domestic disagreements, frantic internet searches and self-doubt. How long do eggs really last, anyway?

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May 27, 2024

Large Tractors and Combines Sell Like Hotcakes in April

According to the most recent report from the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), year-over-year sales of 100+HP two-wheel tractors were up 7.2% in April. Sales of four-wheel drive tractors for the same period were up an amazing 24.1%. Combine sales saw a 6.7% increase as well in April....

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May 27, 2024

More Humans Infected with H5N1

Australia recently reported its first human case of the H5N1 avian influenza in a child who recently returned from India. The case marks the first time the highly pathogenic strain of bird flu has been detected on the continent. 

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May 27, 2024

Onions See Growth in Sales, Pressure on Supply

As inflation grips various sectors, the onion market is experiencing historic price levels in 2024. 

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May 27, 2024

For Struggling Cranberry Farmers, Wetland Restoration Offers a Way Out

With the industry in trouble, Massachusetts growers and environmentalists see opportunity in restoring the land.

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May 27, 2024

New Film on Rural Mental Health is a Teaching Tool for Counselors

“Legacy”, a film from the Colorado Department of Agriculture and Colorado Farm Bureau, shares the mental health struggles of farmers and ranchers in the state and offers hope for healing.

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