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2021 Ag Exports Reach the Highest Annual Levels Ever

The American agricultural industry posted its highest annual export levels ever recorded in 2021, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack announced yesterday. The final 2021 trade data published by the Department of Commerce shows that exports of U.S. farm and food products to the world totaled $177 billion, topping the 2020 total by 18 percent and eclipsing the previous record, set in 2014, by 14.6 percent.

The United States’ top 10 export markets all saw gains in 2021, with six of the 10 – China, Mexico, Canada, South Korea, the Philippines and Colombia – setting new records. Worldwide exports of many U.S. products, including soybeans, corn, beef, pork, dairy, distillers grains and pet food, also reached all-time highs. China remained the top export destination, with a record $33 billion in purchases, up 25 percent from 2020, while Mexico inched ahead of Canada to capture the number two position with a record $25.5 billion, up 39 percent from last year.


Just to top things off in 2021 let’s add record exports to the list. This is amazing and welcomed news for farmers/ranchers across America. They benefit from the additional sales by putting more net income in their bank account. An 18% sales increase over the prior year is an astounding figure. That can only mean farmers/ranchers are on the hunt for new equipment, buildings and trucks! Hope you are taking advantage of your CAD membership and AgPack to entice farmers/ranchers in your area to purchase or lease a new or qualifying used vehicle. Don’t let this be an opportunity lost!

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