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Young Consumers Place Heavy Emphasis on Sustainability

The Packer's 2022 Fresh Trends report finds that 46% of shoppers say they seek out companies that are "environmentally aware”, especially shoppers with an income of $100K or more per year. There also is a big disparity in how younger consumers look at the issue compared with older consumers. Sixty-three percent of 18 to 29 year-old consumers said they look for “environmentally aware” companies, compared with just 28% of consumers older than 60 with that perspective.

When asked to rate what practices are "most important" in promoting sustainability, Fresh Trends respondents rated biodegradable packaging as the highest-ranked factor among options listed, at 34%. The biggest difference in attitudes is found in the age of consumers. For example, for consumers aged 18 to 29 years old, 43% said that biodegradable packaging was the most important practice in promoting sustainability. That compares with just 25% of consumers older than 60 who have that view.

Other Fresh Trends survey results for factors considered "most important" in promoting sustainability were: 

  • No packaging: 19%
  • Biodegradable labels: 6%
  • Water conservation: 18%
  • Organic growing practices: 23%.

Editor’s Take:

The results of the Packer’s report expose a large gap in attitudes based primarily on age. Although income and education levels also play a significant role in shaping people’s views about sustainability. Plus, sustainability is one of those amorphous words that can often mean very different things to different people. There’s no question that farmers/ranchers are striving for even more sustainability to improve their efficiency, lower costs and reduce their environmental footprint. The key going forward will be properly and adequately communicating farmers’/ranchers’ efforts to consumers.

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