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Cattle Are a Climate Solution

According to the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, U.S. cattle farmers and ranchers produce a wholesome, nutritious protein that is now produced more efficiently and sustainably than ever before. The same pound of beef today uses significantly less land, water and feed to produce, allowing U.S. cattle producers to be global leaders in good environmental efficiency.

How cattle improve the environment:

  • Cattle grazing improves grassland soil health and carbon storage.
  • Cattle grazing helps mitigate the risk of catastrophic wildfires.
  • Cattle are ruminants that recycle C02 as part of the natural carbon cycle.
  • Cattle upcycle a diet that is 90 percent inedible to humans into nutritious protein.
  • Cattle methane accounts for only two percent of all U.S. GHG emissions.
  • The U.S. has had the lowest beef GHG emissions intensity in the world since 1996.
  • The U.S. beef industry reduced its emissions by more than 40 percent from 1961-2018.

Editor’s Take:

It is inspiring to see the long list of accomplishments that are making livestock production not only more efficient, but more sustainable. This article captures and quantifies the many ways these important goals are being accomplished over time. With additional research and support from consumers and the government, livestock producers will continue to build upon these successes and grow the list even longer. It’s important to note that these achievements put more money in the pockets of the farmers/ranchers, thus, allowing them to purchase more trucks! And, keep in mind, some of the AgPack products would be perfect to help further the goals discussed in this article…

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