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Year-to-date Tractor & Combine Sales Continue Strong

AEM - 7-21 USAG - Chart

According to the latest report by the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), sales year-to-date are up in every category! Total 2WD tractors increased by 13.5%; 4WD tractors by a whopping 38.2%; and combine sales were up by12.6%. Comparing July 2021 with 2020, only the sales of 2WD tractors under 100 hp show a slight decrease. Otherwise, sales for July were up by 37.8% for over 100 hp tractors; up an astounding 79.4% for 4WD tractors; and combine sales increased by 19.2% for the month.


Equipment sales continued their upward trend for both the month of July and year-to-date! The statistics tell the story and that is farmers/ranchers have money for equipment and they are in a buying mood! As we have said many times before, the equipment they are buying is not inexpensive, yet they see it as an investment in their operation. As a CAD member, you can also demonstrate how purchasing or leasing a truck from you is also a wise investment. How? By showing them the amazing incentives and discounts associated with AgPack that can help them save operating expenses on items they definitely need on the farm/ranch. What are you waiting for?

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