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Sneak Peek at What's New for CAD in 2022

It's hard to believe that we are days away from the end of 2021.  Before you know it, we will be welcoming in a new year and new dreams about what the year will bring us. 

Our team, at Certified Agriculture Dealership, is very excited about 2022 and the new enhancements that we are introducing to the program to help you capture more of the agriculture market - whether it be with new truck sales, or service and parts for the existing fleet. With a couple of additional AgPack® partners, a new and better date for AgRally® and a new truck marketplace only available to our Certified Level Dealers, it's really shaping up to be one heck of a year.  And that's just the first quarter.

But to set the stage, we started with a reflection on all the improvements that went into enhancing the program in 2021, to prepare us for this next step in our evolution of the program. 

So take a look at the year that was ... in 2 parts... plus you can take a sneak peek at what you can expect in 2022.

Looking Ahead to 2022

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