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What is the Farm Bill and Why Does it Matter?

Going back almost 100 years, the legacy of the farm bill largely tracks the history of food production in the United States as the legislation evolves to meet the needs of its modern-day constituents – farmers and consumers. Agriculture’s role in providing food security, and in turn national security, to the United States is more important than ever. And now, work on the next farm bill has started during a period of volatility on every front – political, economic and beyond. So, why is this farm bill so impactful and influential? CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO

Why Does the Farm Bill Matter?

The current farm bill, the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, is set to expire on September 30, 2023. The farm bill ensures a safe and abundant food supply, helps feed the hungry, invigorates rural communities and helps farmers take care of the environment as they continue to provide food, feed, fuel and fiber to the United States and the world.

Those utilizing farm bill programs value risk management tools that offer certainty and predictability. Tools like crop insurance products, marketing loans and commodity programs help producers manage through tough times in order to be able to pass the family farm on to the next generation. Families are able to put dinner on the table thanks to nutrition assistance programs. Voluntary, market-based incentives in conservation programs help provide producers with the tools and assistance needed to implement soil and water improvements. Rural communities have access to tools like broadband grants and new business loans authorized by the farm bill to help enhance economic development and attract growth.

Just as agriculture changes and adapts to meet the needs of the time, the farm bill is called upon to do the same to serve the needs of its constituents. Every five years or so, Congress passes a new farm bill to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world and ensure that critical programs continue to work for farmers and ranchers, families on a budget, and rural communities working to stay competitive.


The farm bill – or as it could be called, the food and farm bill – supports U.S. agriculture by providing safe and affordable food, feed, fuel and fiber for the country and the world. It provides mandatory and discretionary funding to a number of everyday programs and functions to support food security, and in turn national security, for the U.S. Hearings on the 2023 farm bill have already started in Congress.

Farm Bureau members from across the U.S. will need to consider: what is working and what is not and how the legislative package could be made better? When looking toward the 2023 farm bill, how have economic conditions changed in the past few years and what forecasted conditions do farmers and ranchers need to be prepared for? The answers to these questions will shape food and agriculture for the next five years and beyond.

Editor’s Take:

This article and video provide a quick and easy overview of the “Farm Bill”. Zippy Duvall, President of the American Farm Bureau Federation, does an excellent job of explaining what the farm bill is and why it is important. Watch this short, but very informative, video to learn more about a piece of policy/legislation that impacts nearly every farm/ranch in the U.S.!  CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO...

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