The Trees for Troops program is sending 300,000 Christmas trees to military families this holiday season. Christmas Spirit Foundation Executive Director Rick Dungey says that Christmas tree growers will collect and ship thousands of real trees to military bases across the country. “We end up getting trees from probably around 300 different tree farms across 26 states,” he explains.
FedEx Freight will pick up about 16,000 trees from more than 50 collection sites this year which are then delivered to 93 bases in the U.S.
“Every single tree that’s donated has at least one tag with a personal message of things attached to it, and it’s up to the farms to make sure those get attached to the trees before they’re loaded onto the trucks,” says Dungey. “That just really adds meaning to it.”
Trees for Troops began with local Christmas tree farmers supporting military families and incorporated into a national nonprofit nearly 20 years ago.
What a great gesture in support of those who serve in our military. It is a reminder that the genuine spirit of the Christmas season still is alive and well. Perhaps you have Christmas tree growers in your area who would appreciate any support or attention you could provide to further their generosity with our military troops. Maybe a service or parts special if they are involved in the Trees for Troops initiative. Or what about extending a special invitation to have breakfast or lunch with the tree growers who support this holiday effort?