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MI Governor Whitmer Vetoes E15 Rebate Program

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) recently vetoed a $3 million grant program that aimed to incentivize the sale of E15 fuel by providing a 5 cent-a-gallon rebate to fuel retailers. This decision has sparked significant disappointment among Michigan’s agricultural and environmental groups. E15 is known for burning cleaner than pure gasoline, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality.

Whitmer defended her decision by stating the veto was a result of a lack of negotiation on the budget items. She indicated openness to future discussions, suggesting the door is not entirely closed on the possibility of revisiting the program.

The veto means that only 23 fuel retailers in Michigan currently offer E15, limiting the fuel’s availability and potential environmental benefits. Additionally, the agricultural sector misses out on a potential boost in ethanol demand.


It seems that Michigan is missing a prime opportunity to move in the direction of a fuel that supports the state’s corn farmers and is also environmentally friendly. When questioned about the reason, Governor Whitmer seemed to suggest that she wasn’t consulted in a way that was acceptable to her. As a former Director of Agriculture for the State of Michigan, I am somewhat familiar with the budget process. Unless it has changed dramatically, nothing gets done without the involvement of the Governor’s office or their Office of Management and Budget. Perhaps there is another reason she didn’t support this legislation? Not sure, but it seems like it would have been advantageous for her to throw her support behind the effort. Oh well, such is politics. But you can throw your support behind ethanol and corn farmers by not only using the product in your vehicles but encouraging others in your community to use ethanol as well.

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