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Growth Energy Asks Biden to Approve Year-Round E15 Use to Combat Gasoline Prices

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki recently said the administration continues to look for ways to lower gasoline prices. That prompted Growth Energy CEO, Emily Skor, to pen a letter to the Biden administration asking them to restore year-round E15 sales.

The Supreme Court rejected an industry petition to hear the E15 case, meaning the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would need to take new action to restore year-round sales ahead of the summer driving season beginning in June.

In the letter to the White House this week, Skor said, “Biofuels should be an essential part of the nation's efforts to reduce reliance on foreign oil and to cut emissions. Without immediate action to keep lower cost, lower emission biofuels available year-round, like fuel with 15% ethanol, these benefits will be in jeopardy as summer travel begins."

Biofuels, like ethanol, are renewable, low-carbon fuels which provide significant economic advantages for tens of millions of American consumers. On average, E15 sells for upwards of 10 cents less per gallon compared to conventional gasoline. In fact, shifting standard gasoline blends from 10% ethanol to 15% ethanol would generate $12.2 billion in savings for U.S. consumers at the pump each year.

Skor said E15 is ready for expansion as more than 2,500 gas stations in 31 states are selling higher blends including E15. The use of E15 in high-ozone regions of the country continues to be restricted between June and September.

"Without immediate action from the EPA, E15 and the price advantages which accompany this fuel are at risk of being pulled from retail stations as early as late spring," said Skor.

The letter states, "During a time of high gasoline prices, it is more important than ever that higher blends of biofuels be made available to consumers year-round. Your administration and EPA must encourage the use of E15 and higher blends of ethanol by allowing for the year-round sale of these fuels. By removing remaining regulatory hurdles and providing greater access to E15, you can help keep fuel prices in check for American consumers and ease concerns about fuel supply."


Great idea! Why not expand E15 to year around availability. It was done by the previous administration and could be done again. The catch is getting EPA and the current administration to sign off. It makes sense economically and environmentally. Hopefully Ms. Skor’s letter will create some movement in the right direction. E15 ethanol is good for consumers, good for farmers and ultimately good for truck sales because it puts more money in the pockets of farmers and ranchers!

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