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Expert Says E15 Can Help Lower Gas Prices

A fuel market expert says permanent year-round sales of E15 could help reduce gas prices across the country.

Patrick De Haan is head of petroleum analysis for GasBuddy. “Just kind of giving the market assurance that there is now a product that can be found for all 12 months of the year instead of all the months barring the summer driving season,” he said. “It certainly would support the price of ethanol as well with more demand throughout the year.”

He says the proposed rule from the Environmental Protection Agency would allow year-round sales in Midwestern states beginning in 2024. “We’ve been told that’s coming. It hasn’t just yet. Hopefully it will be in time for next summer so consumers have more options at the pump.”


We keep waiting for EPA to finalize this rule and allow more access to E15 year around, but it is very slow in coming to reality. Environmental groups continue their attack on the efficacy of ethanol, but the overwhelming scientific evidence proves otherwise. Ethanol is a benefit to the environment and to consumers looking for alternative fuels. Allowing E15 year around would eliminate the confusion with start and stop production and distribution, thus, allowing for a smoother, less costly price point. If you have any influence with a member of Congress, encourage them to push EPA for a final rule in favor of E15 ethanol year around, which will provide much needed support for your local corn producers.

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