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Companion Bills Introduced for Year-round E15 Sales

Both chambers in Congress have introduced new bills to re-establish E15 year-round sales. Yes, Congress may be moving closer to a vote on establishing year-round E15 sales on a national basis, after members of the U.S. House of Representatives recently introduced companion legislation to a U.S. Senate bill which was also introduced in recent weeks.

The Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act of 2022 raises prospects of re-establishing year-round sales at least to some degree. It was introduced by Representatives Angie Craig, D-MN, and Adrian Smith, R-NE, and has 21 co-sponsors.

The legislation would harmonize fuel volatility regulations for ethanol-blended fuels across the country, allowing for the year-round sale of E15 in conventional gasoline markets. It also would supersede an effort by Midwest state governors to make regulatory changes that would assure the availability of E15 sales year-round in their states.

"Our nation's ethanol producers, oil refiners, fuel retailers, equipment manufacturers, and farmers have all come together for the first time ever to support legislation that ensures American families can choose lower-cost, lower-carbon E15 at the pump every single day of the year," says Renewable Fuels Association President and CEO Geoff Cooper.

American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall said in a news release the bill would provide "consistency and stability" to the marketplace.

National Corn Growers Association President Tom Haag said the House bill was a "common-sense resolution" to what is an "outdated barrier" to E15.


It’s about time that E15 is allowed to be sold twelve months of the year. The current situation of offering different blends in certain states for only a portion of the year is ludicrous. It creates confusion and additional cost for ethanol producers, blenders and consumers. As Zippy Duvall said, this new legislation would create “consistency and stability” in the marketplace – that is right on target! Plus, year-round ethanol sales will certainly increase demand for corn and ethanol to the advantage of corn farmers everywhere in the U.S. You know by now that increasing demand leads to higher farm income, which in turn leads to additional truck sales! Get on board to support this legislation and help the farmers in your area be in a better position to purchase your trucks listed on!

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