While Brazil is the largest soybean competitor to the U.S., the South American giant is also a...
USDA Approves Blockchain-Based Certification System

Decentralized cow verification service CattleProof’s “Verified” has become the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s first blockchain-based Process Verified Program (PVP).
CattleProof, a Wyoming-based company, uses a decentralized digital ledger to record information related to individual cows. Its technology combines the data sent from electronic identification tags attached to individual animals with updates about their condition, location, and other attributes on an immutable blockchain record.
According to a company post, CattleProof now has the distinction of being the first U.S. firm to receive USDA approval as a PVP for putting cows on the blockchain.
CattleProof announced its USDA PVP approval on LinkedIn. Source: CattleProof.
Process Verified Program
The USDA’s PVP service exists for situations where an organization such as CattleProof has to blaze new regulatory ground in order to market its products.
As the first firm to build a decentralized network for monitoring the status of cattle seeking regulatory guidance, the PVP system allowed CattleProof to create and submit a set of voluntary standards for government review.
According to CattleProof, they are the only USDA-approved PVP utilizing a digital ledger, also known as a blockchain. The company also claims to be the only service offering “Born in the USA” certification for cattle, digital certificates containing hyperlinks to individual animal data, and the “only USDA PVP integrated with Heartland Payments to buy and sell USDA verified cattle direct.”
The successful acceptance of CattleProof’s application indicates that it demonstrated compliance with existing regulatory standards in the sector and has implemented processes to ensure compliance as the blockchain and agriculture industries continue to intersect.
It appears as though the USDA is increasingly accepting blockchain as a foundational technology throughout the agricultural world.
As Cointelegraph recently reported, the department recently proposed amending its rules on organic products to include implementing blockchain technology to trace supply chains.
So, what does all this technology really mean to you and me? Basically, it is a digital record of an animal from birth to the time it is on the consumer’s plate. Why is that important? Several reasons. For one, consumers today want to know where their food comes from. It is a way to show them how that particular animal was raised and handled all the way through the marketing chain. Another reason has to do with traceability. Most of you may have heard about things like e-coli, listeria or other food pathogens that invade our food supply from time-to- time. Blockchain provides regulators with the ability to pinpoint a source or the origin of a particular food-borne illness in a reduced time frame. Under the previous system, it could take days to trace the source and, in the meantime, cause the shutdown of several plants or farms until the exact origin has been determined. The other obvious advantage, this new technology will dramatically reduce the cost of compliance. In other words, the technology should be a big plus to all involved.
This serves as a good reminder for you to show off all the latest technology you have available. Invite farmers/ranchers into your dealership for a tour of your facilities. Explain how your dealership can help keep them running during critical times on the farm or ranch. It could also be the perfect opportunity to introduce the new AgWagon. That should get them excited!