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U.S. Intensifying Scrutiny on Chinese Land Purchases Near Military Bases

There are concerns with Chinese purchases of land near U.S. military bases regarding national security and espionage, according to a special report by the Epoch Times. In May, President Joe Biden issued an executive order shutting down Mine One Partners Ltd., a Chinese-owned firm near Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming. Chinese investors made the most land transactions among foreign nationals from 2020 to 2022, prompting increased federal and state attention. Despite significant Chinese land holdings in states like Texas and North Carolina, federal legislation to limit such purchases has stalled.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) identified weaknesses in tracking foreign land purchases, calling for better coordination and data sharing. At a congressional hearing, lawmakers expressed alarm over Beijing’s efforts to undermine U.S. security, emphasizing the threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Chinese telecommunications firms installing cell towers near military bases raised suspicions of eavesdropping. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency warned of Chinese hackers pre-positioning for potential cyberattacks. Experts advocate for a holistic government approach to address CCP threats, suggesting moving CFIUS oversight from the Treasury to the Defense Department.

State-level actions include bans on foreign adversaries owning land near military facilities, with several states enacting such laws. High-profile cases, like Chinese land purchases near Laughlin Air Force Base in Texas and Grand Forks Air Force Base in North Dakota, have intensified scrutiny. The federal government has expanded CFIUS’s powers to include more sensitive military sites.

Bottom line: Concerns about espionage, intellectual property theft, and potential sabotage of the U.S. food supply underscore the need for vigilant monitoring of foreign land purchases near critical infrastructure.


Well, good morning America – are we finally waking up to the fact that our adversaries, especially the Chinese, might have ulterior motives for buying our land, processing facilities, etc.? After traveling to China on several occasions over the years and seeing first hand some of the intellectual property stolen from other countries, I am a firm believer that we need to keep a close watch on the Chinese activity in our country. Without scrutiny, they would take full advantage of our military secrets and intellectual property without any compensation from their side. In addition, turning over our ag production, distribution and processing capabilities to other countries makes us even more vulnerable to eventual control of our food supply. Heaven help us, should that ever be the case. We must be vigilant to such threats. Your support of farmers/ranchers by being a CAD member and taking an interest in what affects them is extremely important. Make sure to always let them know you stand with them and appreciate what they do for our nation.

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