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The Rural Migration Trend and What to Make of It

Americans are moving to rural areas in ever-increasing numbers, reflecting their increased desire to seek out more space, embrace entrepreneurial opportunities, and take advantage of a lower cost of living. 

Whether their move is made to start a farm or a business, the sense of community found in these areas and – perhaps more importantly – the ability to secure a piece of property at a reasonable price, has ensured the rural migration trend is one that’s here to stay for the time being.  

“There is an untapped entrepreneurial spirit associated with living in rural America,” said Mark Smither, CSO at Paulsen, a marketing agency based in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, that focuses on the agricultural, manufacturing, energy, education, and rural lifestyle industries. “We really have to be open to helping people realize those entrepreneurial dreams of building something,” Smither added. 

Attitudes Toward the Rural Migration

Many workers experienced burnout during the quarantine period that followed COVID-19 pandemic, leaving them to determine whether they want to go back to commuting to work at all. Meanwhile, rural areas boast more space, and many feel that rural areas are “hot” right now, according to Smither. And if telecommuting is an option, 66% of Americans polled in a recent survey conducted between Paulsen and Audience Audit say they would consider moving to a rural home or a subdivision.  

“We found that this attitude is confirmed by a lot of the things you are seeing in the news,” Smither said. “The idea that where we live and where we work are now decoupled.” 

As society gravitates more toward one that favors working from home, it seems that many people feel like they will have more freedom and mobility over time.   

However, internet service, would be the deciding factor for 67% of those who responded to the Paulsen and Audience Audit survey. Ultimately, many Americans would consider making a move if they had a reliable internet connection. This is one of the biggest issues that some folks have with the rural migration.

Other Survey Results

Approximately 56% of those surveyed expect they will own 1-5 acres when they move, 32% expect a large backyard or property under an acre, and 12% plan to own more than 5 acres. Meanwhile, equipment needs are rising, and people say they expect to purchase more equipment if they move to a rural area. However, there is a gap between expected property size and equipment needs to maintain their property, as sometimes ideas change, and people don’t know exactly what they’ll need.   

The survey found that there are approximately three attitudes that Americans have regarding location.  

  • 26% see themselves as “ruralists,” and they see themselves as living a rural lifestyle. 
  • 41% see themselves as “urbanists” who currently live in a city but would like to live in the country. 
  • 33% don’t identify with either, or they see themselves as space seekers who simply want more space than they have already.

Ruralists believe their life is more beautiful than city living. They also believe that a rural lifestyle is healthier, and they feel that it could be a better place to raise children. It is perceived there are more opportunities to impact their community, as smaller communities are closer knit and more reliable in the eyes of a ruralist. 

“When the history of coronavirus is written, one of the most dramatic narratives will be of the decline of major cities and the simultaneous revitalization of more sparsely populated areas,” said Smither.  

The Impact Moving Forward

According to Smither, 68% of those surveyed would be open to move sensing there will be many more opportunities for small communities and businesses in the future. This will no doubt have an impact on the agriculture industry. 

How will it all play out moving forward? Time will tell, but as people continue to embrace rural migration, it’s critical for those impacted to gain a strong understanding of why people want to move, what they’re looking for, and how to ensure they get the most out of the experience.


Survey results to reality sometimes leaves quite a gap. One minute it seems everyone wants to be “downtown” close to restaurants, bars and their favorite coffee shop. Now it seems many are rethinking that vision and ready to go “rural”. And so, the pendulum swings. Honestly, there is some empirical evidence to support the more rural, additional acreage and get away from the crowd’s approach to life. Decoupling work from an office downtown does free up many options for families to consider. As the migration to rural areas occurs, no matter large or smaller in scope, it will change many communities and it is highly likely to change agriculture in those areas. This is a noteworthy trend and one worth following. It could impact how CAD members expand their vision of enticing rural Americans to the showroom to promote sales, parts and service opportunities.

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