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The Life of the Iconic Butter Cow Lady

The Iowa State Fair in Des Moines is known for its corn dogs, livestock shows, and one particularly unique tradition - iconic butter sculptures. Today, many people think back to “The Butter Cow Lady” when going by the fair’s iconic butter sculptures.

Norma “Duffy” Lyon was more than okay with being known as the “The Butter Cow Lady.” Afterall, for nearly a half century, Lyon sculpted the butter cow and other creations at the Iowa State Fair. Her last sculpture was in 2005 and her creations over the years have included just about everything—from cows, Garth Brooks, a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, Elvis and even Jesus and his disciples. She even once made a cheese bust of David Letterman.

Away from the fair’s limelight, Lyon enjoyed life on her family farm in Toledo, Iowa with her husband, Joe, and their nine children. Known for their nationally recognized herd of Jerseys, the Lyons were well-known figures in the dairy industry. Lyon’s butter cow status broadened that recognition even further.

Breaking Barriers

Before Lyon wowed fairgoers with her butter creations, she attended Iowa State University with the intent to study Veterinary Sciences. Her plans were thwarted, though, by a ban on women in the program. Instead, she pivoted to animal science and took up sculpture under the guidance of Christian Petersen. These skills would later serve her well in life.

Lyon’s journey with the butter cow began in 1960 when she took over from Earl Dutt. Known for her supreme standards, she famously remarked on Dutt’s work, "It was a good farm cow, but it wasn't a show cow,” she once said to the Associated Press back in 1999. Her drive for perfection solidified her status as a fair icon.

An Enduring Legacy

The tradition of the butter cow at the Iowa State Fair dates back to 1911, but it was Lyon who truly brought it into the hearts of Iowans. In 1960, Lyon brought a new level of artistry to the Butter Cow, that was well admired from all corners of the earth, crafting it from U.S. Grade A salted butter.

Lyon was well-known beyond the Hawkeye State. She appeared on the Today Show, Tonight Show and Late Night with David Letterman.

Sarah Pratt took over for Lyon in 2007 after an apprenticeship under Lyon starting when she was 14-years-old.

Lyon passed away in 2011 at the age of 81. Her daughter, Michelle, once said her mother loved for people to know her work and said simultaneously it was good public relations for the dairy industry, too.

2024 Iowa State Fair

The iconic Iowa State Fair butter cow will share her cooler with notable nighttime personalities this year. Long time Iowa State Fair butter sculptor Sarah Pratt, along with her apprentices Hannah and Grace, will be sculpting the likenesses of Iowans Johnny Carson and Steve Higgins as well as a sky glider seat to commemorate the 50th year of the Main Sky Glider. Steve Higgins is the announcer on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, so Jimmy Fallon will be joining the crew too.

The butter cow, along with butter versions of Iowans Steve Higgins and Johnny Carson and Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon, will be featured alongside an iconic sky glider chair as the main Sky Glider celebrates 50 years in 2024.

The butter sculptures will be on display in the John Deere Agriculture Building from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., during the Iowa State Fair, August 8-18, 2024.


While butter sculptures may not be fine art in the eyes of some, a whole lot of people do appreciate the skill and time it takes to create them. The Iowa State Fair certainly has a long legacy of butter sculptures, but there are other fairs around the country that also feature similar art. If you haven’t seen one of these amazing creations up close, you should make a point to do so – put it on your bucket list. Besides being good-looking, it is also very tasty!

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