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Startling Reality: Farmer Suicide Rate is 3.5 Times Higher

Did you know that the rate of suicide among farmers is 3.5 times higher than the general population? It’s a startling statistic and a sign of the daily stress that comes with farming.  

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), between 2000 and 2022 suicide rates climbed 46% in rural areas. By comparison, the rate in metro areas climbed 27.3%. 

Stephanie Weatherly, Chief Clinical Officer for Psychiatric Medical Care, says not only is the rate of suicide higher in rural communities, but it’s especially high for elderly citizens.  “Forty-five percent of farmers' and ranchers' suicides in the last 15 years were committed by people aged 65 and older, so it just really hits home the risk that we have for the elders in our communities. Not only do they have the higher risk because of their profession, they also have a higher risk with their age,” says Weatherly. “So those compounded together can be a really high risk for people in your communities.”

Psychiatric Medical Care is a company that provides mental health services specifically to rural communities, serving 130 rural hospitals today. Weatherly says while services are improving, the stigma surrounding mental health still exists today. 

“I think some of the biggest misconceptions are that people think when other people stop working or if someone is thinking of harming themselves, those are the only signs to watch for. And we know that's not true. A lot of times the community around this person is surprised when the person's life has ended. So, we have to be looking at subtle clues,” she adds.

Know the Signs 

What are some of those subtle clues? According to Psychiatric Medical Care, professors at Colorado State University and the University of Wisconsin created a checklist and guide to help identify stress and depression in farm and ranch families.

The signs of stress and depression include:

  • Change in Routines
    • The rancher or ranch family stops attending church, drops out of 4-H, home makers or other groups, or no longer stops in at the local coffee shop or feed mill.   
  • Care of Livestock Declines 
    • Cattle may not be cared for in the usual way; they may lose condition, appear gaunt or show signs of neglect or physical abuse.
  • Increase in Illness
    • Farmers or farm family members may experience more upper respiratory illnesses (colds, flu) or other chronic conditions (aches, pains, persistent cough).         
  • Increase in Farm or Ranch Accidents 
    • The risk of farm accidents increases due to fatigue or loss of ability to concentrate. 
  • Appearance of Farmstead Declines
    • The farm family no longer takes pride in the way farm buildings and grounds appear, or they no longer have time to do the maintenance work. 

See Something, Say Something

​​​Weatherly says if you notice any of these signs, say something, because having those conversations can help. 

“We know that 80% of people who suffer from depression can go into total remission. So, in other words, if you're struggling with depression, you can get better. You just need to get the help that you need,” says Weatherly.

Help is also available with the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. If you suspect someone is at risk of suicide, you can call or text 988.


Everyone should be concerned about suicide prevention. As someone who has lost several family members and friends to suicide, this is deeply personal to me. As the article points out – it is critical to recognize the signs. In your communications with farmers/ranchers, be cognizant of behavioral changes and any other signs. If you are concerned, you could contact a qualified professional to assess how to proceed. Most suicides could be prevented if spotted before reaching that deep state depression where it seems there is no alternative to handle problems. A major way to help is to support local, state or national suicide prevention efforts.

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