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Scientists Announce Breakthrough Against African Swine Fever

Scientists have discovered a gene in the DNA of pigs that is needed by a deadly virus to cause infection. Their discovery could lead to the development of pigs resistant to African Swine Fever (ASF). ASF is a swift acting, severe condition that causes widespread illness and death, incurring high losses for the pork industry.

ASF has killed more than 200 million pigs worldwide, is a major issue across Asia, and has the potential to cause major outbreaks in Europe and America.

A team led by the Friedrich-Loeffler Institute with the Roslin Institute sought to pinpoint which pig genes were needed for the virus to replicate. And the team of researchers found that the gene, which is involved in the pig immune system, is essential for replication of the ASF virus.

Their finding raises the possibility of amending the gene, using gene editing, to develop pigs that are resistant to the disease. It offers scope for managing the infection, for which no vaccine or treatment is currently available.

To read the entire report click here.


This discovery has the potential to eliminate ASF as a threat to our pig population in the U.S. and worldwide. You may recall that in the recent past we reported on several severe outbreaks across the globe that wiped out a significant portion of the swine population, thus, lowering available supplies and raising prices to consumers. The ability to breed a pig with resistance to ASF would be a very large step in the right direction.

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