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Record Sugar Beet Production Likely, but GAO Misses the Impact of Industry

The American Sugar Alliance is expecting a record production year for sugar beet growers. Rob Johansson is the Director of Economics and Policy Analysis. “Well over 5 million tons of beet sugar going to be produced this year across the whole growing region,” he says.

Johansson projects that record beet crop should balance out sugar cane production, which will likely have a smaller harvest because of weather issues.

A recent report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) outlines ways the USDA could be more effective in administering the U.S. sugar program.  Johansson calls it misleading and shortsighted. “GAO ignores the fact that uncertain import supply would be the result of getting rid of the sugar program, which is essentially what they’re hinting at in their report.” He says American growers produce about 75 percent of the sugar consumed in the U.S., which supports rural and urban economies throughout the food supply chain.


Sugar beets are a major cash crop in areas where they are grown. They become an important part of the farm economy in those areas, integrated throughout the community and even the state. Sugar policy has long been debated and questioned by politicians. Some claim it interferes with “free trade”, while others contend it is necessary in a market where countries consistently attempt to dump their excess sugar supplies in the U.S. The policy has worked for decades and helps maintain a balance between domestic production and imports. Generally speaking, sugar producers are in a good financial position to purchase your trucks. Make sure they can see your inventory on And remember to mention AgPack® to help them lower operating costs!

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