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Nitrogen Fertilizer Triples in Price:  CAD Members Can Help Farmers Save Thousands!

It’s hard to believe that the cost of nitrogen fertilizer has tripled in the last year! Kyle Walker, a farm manager based in central Iowa for Peoples Company, was recently named Syngenta’s Professional Farm Manager of the Year. He says, “I know anhydrous was over $1,200 a ton the other day and last year at this time it was $400 to $500 a ton. So, just a completely different ballgame right now.”

Walker went on to suggest that farmers have some room to accommodate higher per-acre costs since corn prices on the futures market are hovering around $5 per bushel. However, as Walker also notes, if farmers rent land from others, rising land values might also cause their landlords to increase rental rates as well.


As previously reported, farmers/ranchers are concerned about rising input costs, and this simply underscores one major cause for their outlook. That is one reason they are moving to pre-purchase their anticipated fertilizer requirements for next spring. They are obviously reading the tea leaves and anticipating that fertilizer will cost even more in the spring of 2022. No doubt, farmers/ranchers will be more challenged to manage their cost next year in order to be profitable.

NOW is the perfect time for CAD members to let every farmer/rancher in your area know that if they are in the market for a truck, you have available to you the ONLY fertilizer discount in the entire fertilizer industry! Simply by being a CAD member you have AgPack. For each qualifying new or used truck they purchase or lease, farmers/ranchers are eligible for a $2,000 discount from our AgPack partner – AgroLiquid! If they buy or lease two, that’s $4,000; three equals $6,000 and there is no limit! Don’t hesitate – communicate this amazing offer and let them know how you can help offset escalating fertilizer prices!

Like we have been saying for months now, farmers/ranchers will be your best customer prospects in 2022! That is why your CAD team encourages you to “Look Beyond Your Lot” and reach out to them today!

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