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Mostly Favorable Finishing Weather Expected for Corn Belt

The extended weather forecast from the National Weather Service calls for increased chances of above-normal precipitation from the eastern halves of Nebraska and Kansas across the south-central and southeastern Corn Belt, Mid-South and Delta for August through October. Other areas of the Corn Belt and Plains are expected to see “equal chances” for normal, below-normal and above-normal precipitation during the period.

NOAA - 90 day precip map 7-2023







The 90-day outlook shows elevated chances for below-normal temps in a bubble covering much of Iowa, eastern Nebraska and the northern half of Missouri. There are “equal chances” for temps for the rest of the central and northern areas of the Corn Belt and Plains. Above-normal temps are likely across the far eastern Corn Belt, Mid-South, Delta and Southern Plains during the period.  

NOAA - 90 day temp map 7-2023







As of July 18, the U.S. Drought Monitor showed 49% of the U.S. was covered by abnormal dryness/drought, unchanged from the previous week. USDA estimated drought (D1 or higher) covered 55% of corn production areas (down nine points) and 50% of soybeans (down seven points). Drought expanded in spring wheat areas, with 31% now covered (up six points). USDA estimated 17% of cotton areas were covered by drought (up two points). The seasonal drought outlook calls for drought improvement or removal for most areas of the Corn Belt through October.


The forecasts above are welcome news assuming they come to fruition. Even if true, a lot depends on the stage of development when corn is tasseling and soybeans are developing pods. We always hope for favorable weather to help boost yields come fall harvest season. Adequate rainfall and slightly cooler temps would go a long way towards turning our hope into reality. With that in mind – now is the time to begin promoting your fall service and parts specials to the farmers and ranchers in your area. Help them prepare for the very busy harvest season. Let them know you have their back should their truck need service or repair during this critical time of the year.  

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