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Foreign Animal Disease Bill Introduced in U.S. Senate

The U.S. Senate recently introduced the Foreign Animal Disease Prevention, Surveillance and Rapid Response Act of 2023. The legislation reauthorizes animal disease prevention and management programs.

“We appreciate Senators John Cornyn (R-TX), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Joni Ernst (R-IA) and Representatives Ronny Jackson (R-TX), Don Bacon (R-NE), Jim Costa (D-CA), Angie Craig (D-MN) and Don Davis (D-NC) for introducing this critical legislation to protect animal health,” said Scott Hays, National Pork Producers Council President and Missouri pork producer. “With threats of African swine fever and other foreign animal diseases to livestock and poultry industries, having these provisions in the farm bill will insure the U.S. remains positioned to deliver safe and affordable food to consumers worldwide.”

NPPC is advocating for a farm bill that fully funds critical programs safeguarding the nation’s food supply against threats posed by foreign animal diseases (FAD). These include the National Animal Vaccine and Veterinary Countermeasures Bank, the National Animal Health Laboratory Network, and the National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program.

“A FAD outbreak would immediately cripple the entire agricultural sector,” Hays said. “Funding these programs is vital for our success as they support efforts to prepare, prevent and mitigate any FAD threats.”


Constant vigilance is required to protect U.S. farmers/ranchers from foreign pathogens and diseases that might enter in any number of methods. In the unfortunate circumstance that one might become established on our shores, the ability to quickly and effectively control and eradicate is absolutely critical to the well-being of our producers and consumers. That is why support for legislation and funding to keep our various lines of defense fully operational and improving over time is absolutely essential.

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