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Farmers Share Top Concerns for their Operation/Industry

Tax policy, conservation efforts and input costs were some of the top concerns for growers attending this year’s Husker Harvest Days in Grand Island, Nebraska.

Every year presents its own unique set of challenges for farmers.  South Central Nebraska farmer and the state’s Corn Growers Association President Andy Jobman told Brownfield News he’s still concerned about the elimination of stepped-up basis, even though the House Ways and Means Committee has dropped it from its proposals. “When you make it impossible to send these assets to one generation to the next that’s coming up, you’re going to lose all of that talent and force further consolidation,” Jobman says.

Farmer and Nebraska Farm Bureau President Mark McHargue says revisiting the Waters of the U.S. rule could leave farmers with less ag land production. “For Merrick County, when water tables are really high, we get a big a rain, ditches are full of water and the ends of the field are full of water – again, it would be devastating.”            

Kerry McPheeters who grows corn and soybeans near Gothenburg shared that next year’s input costs are already affecting how he will manage his operation. “It’s a little scary to get bids for next year and also with that hoping there’s not supply shortages that affect us as far as price and availability.”


Farmers are typically willing to share their views if asked. In this case, it was a perfect venue to discuss some of the issues farmers are most concerned about, now and into next year. It is not surprising that taxes, the environment and input costs would top the list. These issues impact their ability to transfer property and the profitability of their operation. Farmers, like any other business owner, simply want to know that the rules are fair and will be in place for awhile so they can effectively plan ahead. If you’re planning to visit with a farmer and are somewhat apprehensive about how to begin the conversation, these issues could certainly help you get started! Once you hit the cost of doing business question – throw in AgPack and you should really get their attention!

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