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Farm Bureau Urges USDA:  Remove Barriers to Meet Growing Food Demand

American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) recently called on USDA to take steps to ensure America's farmers have access to crucial fertilizer supplies. AFBF submitted comments on USDA's "Request for Information on Access to Fertilizer: Competition and Supply Chain Concerns."

In the filed comments, AFBF lists several factors that have combined to create shortages and drive-up fertilizer cost, including the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, rising inflation, labor shortages, regulatory hurdles and increased transportation costs.

"America's farmers are being called on to feed both America's families and families abroad as war and shortages take their toll on our international neighbors," said AFBF President Zippy Duvall. "Farmers and ranchers have answered the call before, and they stand ready to do it again, but they need access to necessary supplies in a timely manner. Supply chain issues and inflation aren't short-term problems, so we need long-term solutions, partnerships with USDA, and action across the federal government to ensure we can continue to meet growing demands of a hungry world."

AFBF's recommendations include:
· Providing assistance to farmers to expand on-site farm fertilizer storage compacity to help them manage costs throughout the year;

· Urging EPA to seek reforms to review processes that create barriers for domestic fertilizer production;

· Modernize weight restrictions for trucks to reduce the number of trucks needed to transport goods;

· Enact rail reforms to promote rail competition, fair rates and reliable service.

Read the full comments here.

Editor’s Take:

One thing is clear following the COVID crisis and leading into our current inflationary spiral, Congress can help by establishing laws that encourage additional domestic production of strategic supplies. For far too long, we have overlooked the need to maintain or increase certain types of production here at home. Then when push-comes-to-shove, we are scrambling to obtain necessary input and supplies. Also, instituting a regulatory environment that is supportive of business, especially businesses like petroleum refining, fertilizer production, military supplies, essential drug production and several other industries is key to our future. AFBF is a strong organization which represents farmers/ranchers across this great nation. If you’re not familiar with the organization, it might behoove you to get to know your local Farm Bureau chapter.

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