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Egg Prices Are Settling Back Down

It has been a rollercoaster year for egg prices. Wholesale egg prices reached record highs in 2022 after avian influenza resulted in significant reductions in egg-laying flocks, according to USDA’s Economic Research Service.

At the height of the disease, in the last weeks of December 2022, weekly egg inventories were 29 percent lower than at the beginning of the year, and prices reached a high of $5.37 per dozen.

As of the week ending June 30, 2023, egg inventories were about 24 percent higher than the lowest 2022 values. During the same week, the average price was $1.23 per dozen, about 77 percent lower than the highest average weekly price in 2022.


Good news for consumers. However, many egg producers are still trying to recover from the devastation caused by the “Bird Flu”. Nonetheless, for most farmers it really boils down to how efficient they are in getting their flock raised and off to market. We have to believe that most will be just fine financially when all is said and done. They will be looking for new or quality used vehicles as operations return to normal. Thus, now is a great time to advertise AgPack® to help farmers/ranchers realize a return on their truck investment. Plus, it will help them stabilize their operating costs through the thousands of dollars in potential exclusive rebates and discounts for products they use within their operation.

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