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Diversifying Exports Creates Value for U.S. Producers

The outgoing chairman of the U.S. Meat Export Federation says strong exports help add value to U.S. beef, pork, and lamb. 

Dean Meyer, a corn, soybean and livestock producer from Iowa says it isn’t just exports of high-quality cuts that add value back to producers.  “It’s the variety meats,” he says.  “And those things we don’t consume here, whether it’s the tongue, the heart, the liver, those products have value in other countries.”

He also says that without exports, the prices producers receive would look a lot different. That is why Meyer says it’s critical that the funding used to help develop export trade is protected in the farm bill. “It’s important that we maintain, if not grow, the USDA funds,” he says, because it’s the number one source of our funding.  We need these existing markets and we need to find new markets.”


Mr. Meyer is absolutely correct. The diversity and value-added products, coupled with high-quality U.S. grown commodities, are essential to maintaining strong farm income. Without exports, farmers/ranchers would be faced with severe overproduction and devastating prices that would create a severe decline in the farm economy. In short, it would be disastrous. But thank goodness that is not the case. While exports can fluctuate from year-to-year, overall, they are strong and provide major support for U.S. farmers/ranchers. They are a major reason net farm income has seen record, or near record levels, in the past few years. Farmers have money. They have cash. They are prime customer prospects for any CAD member. Make sure you target them by using tools like, which is specifically designed to reach farmers/ranchers.

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