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Consumers, Retailers Drive Growth of New Grape Varieties

New table grape varieties, such as Cotton Candy, Candy Hearts and Candy Snaps, are gaining popularity among consumers and retailers, says David Watson, senior vice president of sales and marketing for Fresh Farms, Rio Rico, Arizona.
The world of table grapes has expanded exponentially from the handful of traditional red and green varieties to today’s plethora of cultivars with appearance, flavor and size characteristics consumers and retailers clamor for.
“In addition to the conventional grapes like flame, Thompson, and other conventional varieties, the industry will see Sweet Globe, Sweet Celebration, Cotton Candy, Candy Hearts, Candy Snaps, Allison and newer varieties emerging all the time,” said Watson. “When you talk about variety development in the industry, the preference trend is for the newer varieties, which are larger, crunchier, taste better and have won over the retailers and the consumers,” he said.
Producers also benefit from higher yields
Even though they might cost more to produce, the overall formula works pretty well, according to Watson.
“Nogales, Arizona-based Divine Flavor ships the Cotton Candy, Sweet Globe, Sweet Celebration, Timpson and Autumncrisp — one of the best green seedless varieties on the market — from Mexico's Jalisco growing area,” said Michael DuPuis, quality assurance and public relations manager.
The company grows more than 20 commercial varieties in the Sonora region in Mexico. Jellyberries, Gummyberries, Candy Heart, Sable and Midnight Beauty are other popular varieties the company offers.
“Our focus has always been on flavor and grape varieties that are optimal in the locations we grow in,” DuPuis said. “Sustainable varieties require fewer inputs and have a flavor profile that consumers like and that drives repeat purchases. Great-quality, great-flavor grapes will always sell, and our focus is to produce grape varieties that maximize flavor and quality.”
“California grows about 90 varieties of table grapes, each with its own unique flavor, shape, size, color, texture and in-season timing,” said Kathleen Nave, president of the Fresno-based California Table Grape Commission.
The five top varieties accounted for more than 45% of the 77 million 19-pound boxes of table grapes shipped in 2023 and included Autumn King, Sheegene-21, flame seedless, Sheegene-20, and Scarlet Royal.
Fresno-based Bari Produce LLC offers a number of newer grape varieties, according to President Justin Bedwell. Candy Snap, which he describes as an early-season, small red grape with a hint of strawberry flavor, is one of those. It’s available from Bari Produce in 1- and 2-pound clamshell containers. He indicates that some retailers prefer the new, licensed varieties and the newest and greatest table grapes.
“For consumers, we try to put out high-flavor grapes, like Autumn King, Great Green and Sweet Globe in our bags and in our programs,” Bedwell said. “We’re hoping that, whenever they buy a Bari bag, they get a good-eating piece of fruit.”
Bari Produce sells licensed varieties under their licensed names and non-licensed ones under the Bari label. New varieties are coming from breeding companies all the time.
Watson said some grower-shippers have older varieties, some have newer ones, and some have licenses for the Cotton varieties. “If you have all three, you’re in pretty good shape,” he said. “It’s more of a struggle if you don’t have Candy or new varieties, since the retail community is moving toward the better varieties.”
The amount of the new, licensed varieties available in specific locations is limited, Watson shared. “Once they’re sold out in that area, you can’t get them anymore.”
With new table grape varieties helping to expand the consumer/retail market, this is good news for producers and distributors IF they can obtain the rootstock. Although the demand for older varieties may be declining slightly, the clamor for newer varieties more than makes up the difference. Grape growers and distributors will benefit from such a resurgence in consumer acceptance of table grapes. This also means that growers, especially those fortunate enough to have all the varieties, will prosper. In turn, they will be looking on your lot for that new truck. Be sure to reach out to grape growers in your area.