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Combine and 100+HP Tractor Sales Up in September

According to the latest report from the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), sales of combines and 100+ HP tractors increased by 6.6% and 9.6%, respectively, in September 2022 compared with the same month in 2021. All other categories declined in September and year-to-date. The largest decrease was in 4WD tractors, down 33.1% in September, which was largely due to lack of availability.

Editor’s Take:

This month’s report from AEM is virtually a mirror image of the August report. Farmers are focused on harvesting crops, thus, accounting for the increased sales in combines and 100+HP tractors. However, don’t mistake the decreased sales in other horsepower categories for lack of demand. Simply put, there is not enough product available. See the article on Ag Manufacturers’ lack of parts. Farmers will be flush with cash after harvest season is completed. They will shift into tax management mode, with the goal of minimizing taxes by purchasing goods and services in this tax year that they need for the coming year. Now is the time to put your inventory on and let them know about AgPack. That way, when they are ready to purchase, they will know where to go!

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