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AgPack Partner Summit:  2022 Trade Show Strategy

As promised, we want to share some of the more significant discussions that took place during the recent CAD AgPack Partner Summit in New Mexico. This week the topic is trade show strategy for 2022.

Exhibiting at trade shows always seems to elicit discussion and this time was no different. Evaluating each show to ensure that the time, money and resources are well spent was top of mind for many of the partners. It eventually led to a more in-depth analysis of how we might broaden the concept of “shows” and look beyond the traditional audience. Ultimately, the group suggested that we closely scrutinize the current farm show circuit and consider adding or substituting venues like rodeos, large rural race venues, Farm Bureau, National FFA convention and others. A rather extensive list of prospects was discussed and passed forward for evaluation.

The other item of general consensus as it pertains to show presence was the creation of an “AgPack Village” at as many shows as possible. One goal for such a concept is to make it a “destination” at the show. It would allow a larger presence, shared space and cross-promotion on a much larger scale. One challenge is figuring out the details of how to bring this idea to fruition. Besides the logistics on our end, a major aspect of bringing these ideas to life will be the participation and support from CAD members.  We will definitely need product and product specialists from dealers like you across the country! Furthermore, there was a discussion around how to create a "Virtual AgPack Village” for the CAD website that customers will be able to access at any time. Look for more updates in next week’s AIR.


This was a very robust discussion with a plethora of ideas to consider going forward that would not only improve our presence at shows, but expand the concept to new audiences not currently being targeted. There was a lot of discussion surrounding how to reach the younger generations and the female owner/operator of farms and ranches across the country. These groups not only are strong influencers today but are set to assume the ownership or lead role in the future. It’s like the famous Wayne Gretzky quote when asked by a reporter, “How did you manage to score so many goals in your hockey career?”  To which Gretzky replied – “I skated to where the puck was going to be, not where it was.” And, that’s the goal with CAD’s future trade show strategy!  We will also be soliciting your support moving forward....

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