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A Lesson in How to Stay Relevant in Ag Retail

The Editors of Crop Life Magazine have been busy accumulating frequent flyer miles as they criss-cross the country visiting with ag retailers, including independents, nationals and cooperatives to learn how business for these companies has changed since 1984 and how they stay relevant.

Their visit to Kansas-based Mid Kansas Coop (MKC) to meet with EVP and CMO Dave Spears and the team was enlightening, particularly the time they spent at the coop’s Safety Center.

On a recent follow-up call with Spears and COO Erik Lange, they talked about MKC’s longstanding goal of “shared growth, shared success,” and what that means in today’s marketplace.

Spears noted that in order to achieve that goal MKC takes seriously its role as a partner to the customers it serves, its suppliers and manufacturers, and the company’s employees.

Indeed, when MKC surveys its customers about how they view their relationship with MKC, “partner” is the description that ranks highest. For employees, MKC is also a supporting partner in the 170-plus rural communities where they and their families live.

Over the last 40 years, MKC has expanded through mergers and acquisitions. The growth has been thoughtful and strategic, what Spears called “good growth.” It’s also enabled the company to stay relevant, according to Spears and Lange, which is more important than ever in the current marketplace.

For example, Spears recalled the early years when coops basically operated as warehouses. Now, the business model is that of a service provider offering a full portfolio of products, services, equipment, and technologies operating in a fast-paced, dynamic environment comprised of proliferating regulatory requirements and changing consumer demands. Adding to the challenges are labor issues and inflationary pressures, which compound uncertainty and drive up costs.

Staying relevant today requires an understanding of where you need to position yourself for success in the marketplace while simultaneously supporting your customers, industry partners, and employees in their respective growth paths as well.

What’s ahead for MKC and the ag retail industry? Spears sees a bright future. The global population is increasing and “that’s a huge opportunity for American agriculture,” he said.

For MKC, in particular, “We’re constantly focused on the farmer of the future and making sure we meet their needs,” Spears emphasized, adding that, “It’s like Wayne Gretzky said, ‘A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.’” And that’s a lesson in how to stay relevant.


Yes, there was a little bit of a hidden agenda in sharing this article. It’s how others become relevant to farmers/ranchers and how they stay that way over time. It is our hope that this will not only provide you with some insight into the philosophy of building that relationship with farmers/ranchers, but also how to maintain it over time. When you do that, it pays off in many ways. I urge you to go back and read the story about Tony Maneotis and Don Broom. Tony is the dealer who sold Don 17 trucks over the past couple years. Why? They have a relationship that is strong and unique. We know that you can’t do this with every customer, but maybe, just maybe, it’s something worth striving for….

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